Here is a question for you... Is it right for the financial burden to be put on the backs of the poor just because they are poor? Because they can't defend themselves because they are poor?
Is it fair the corporations who make billions of dollars in profit cry about a 35% tax rate and yet do not pay the 35% tax rate?
because they use tax loopholes they pay 0 in taxes and contriubte little to society?
Is it fair that small businesses are an "s corporation" where an owner of a business will make 200,000 a year and only pay himself a small percentage of that money say.. maybe 15,000 and only be taxed on the 15,000 instead of the 200,000? Meanwhile he is living like a king and contributing little to society.
The rich do not create jobs... Demand creates jobs if there is no demand there are no new businesses, expansion and hiring of additional employees. In fact without demand we have lay offs businesses close and the economy slows down. If you want to have a robust economy and plenty of profit we need to stop worrying about how to put even more money in the hands of the rich but we should be looking at tax breaks for the poor and ways to put more money in the hands of the masses who will spend spend spend and actually create demand.